Sunday 6 March 2016

Woodland update

For the next post and like to offer an insight into the recent woodland management work we have been carrying out.
Let me try and explain the reasoning behind the removal of the bush on the 11th hole. To begin with the bush was actually a willow tree that had split and then regrown from the branches that had split. Overtime this has obviously been left and had grown to quite a size. Added to this there was a lot of invasive bramble that was growing in the area.
A couple of years ago we attempted to cut back & trim the area but this has since grown back more vigorously and also allowed more bramble to take hold. The decision to completely remove the split tree was taken with a couple of reasons in mind. Firstly to stop it encroaching any more onto the golf course, if left this would seriously have altered the way the hole both played and looked. The area is in need of draining and clearing the area now allows us, moving forward to drain the area more efficiently. It will also spread the wear area accessing the bridge crossing the stream.
Removing the damaged tree has also allowed to expose the cherry tree that was in the area, that can now become more of a feature for the hole.
The area will now be turfed and once the grass establishes be maintained at rough height.

In regards to the tree removal the majority of the work has been carried out to thin out copses and remove tree's with stunted stems or poor form. All our woodland management program is aimed at preserving the tree's we have at Muswell Hill that are so integral to the way the golf course looks and feels. We are aiming to sustain continuous cover of woodlands around the golf course so this means removing some tree's to allow younger, better species to grow and flourish. 

The copse to the left of the 11th tee has been worked on and cleared. We can now work on establishing grass cover in these areas whilst maintaining the tree's that are in this area.

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