Sunday 21 February 2016

Putting only

We've recently put into place a 'putting' only policy on the putting green I'd just like to explain the reasoning behind it. The position of the putting green is very significant at the club, with it being right in front of the clubhouse & too many the first view of the golf course they get. Recently damage has been caused by chip shots played around the putting green, both with damage to the green surrounds and pitchmarks on the green itself. With this in mind, and to protect the playing surfaces, especially during the winter a putting only policy has been introduced. The short game area is only a short walk away and is the perfect place to practice the 'money' shot's and keep the putting green for the 'big money' shot's.....
Thanks for your understanding.


  1. There are several trees which have been removed and the attractive bush by the 11th ditch. A there a plan detailed on the website or in the lounge where members can view why and what is being to replace any of them? Some of it looks drastic. The new trees planted on 3rd was step 1 of a plan to placate the neighbours. The trees taken out between 2 and 3 was for what purpose? It has made it more dangerous for the players on 2nd.

  2. Am sure plants and trees once spring arrives - just think we should be careful not to allow our course to be so open that we lose the advantage of having a tight course. It can be quite alarming to see such sudden changes - a notice explaining these would go a long way to preventing members getting upset if they understand why. The greens however are looking wonderful - great job!
