Monday, 15 April 2013

It's that time again...

The good news is we are coming out of the winter dormancy but the bad news is as the soil temperatures slowly raise we can end up with greens that are slightly bumpy at times.

This is caused by our grass species. Our greens are made up of a Poa annua and Bent mixture. These two grass are very different but they can produce great greens.

One of the differences is the temperature at which they both start to grow. As the Bent grass starts to grow as soil the temperature reaches 6-8 it gets a head start over the Poa. The Poa will sit dormant until temperatures are higher, plus it requires higher levels of moisture.

We have already applied fertilisers but over the next couple of weeks we will lower the height of cut, top dress, brush, groom and Verti cut the greens to smooth this out. We will also apply a lawn sand to darken up the greens, hopefully this will help the soil temperatures raise up quicker!

If you look at the photo below you will see the Bent grasses (dark green) and the Poa (which is more yellowish). This photo was taken in the rough as this exaggerates the height differences but you will get the idea of while a ball bobbles or chatters while we wait for the temperatures to increase. This issue only lasts a few days and then we will be up and running for the year ahead.

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