Last week was the captains cross country tournament. This is great fun, the course was set up all over the place, with holes like the 13th tee to 6th green and to make things even better teeing off out of bunkers and playing to some dodgy pins (that I wish I could use for a medal!!!)
Here's the flag on the bank on the front of the 7th green.
And the 16th was interesting to...
The morning of the cross country we had over 1/2 inch of rain meaning the course was wet when we arrived but the guys worked hard, pumping, moving water and reinstating the bunkers.
Above 18th green when we arrived. Below 18th two hours later.
Another process that I feel I should mention as its not really seen by the golfers but we are carrying out up to four times a week is 'Rolling' or 'Vibe rolling' or 'Ironing'. All of these mean the same thing. This process means we roll the greens with vibrating rollers or irons. this smooths the green making them putt truer, it also increases speed and can help reduce disease pressure and seed head numbers (that's something I have just been reading about from the states).
We are vibe rolling a lot, especially now we are in the summer months. This is carried out behind the greens mower and normally takes around 3 hours to do but it is worth the extra man hours.
The one down side to rolling is compaction but as part of our plan, we will test the greens using a compaction metre and aerate them when required. Sometimes this will be just a little venting using sarel rollers once a week.
Above is a photo of Kris out vibe rolling greens.
Other works have also been getting carried out including some major divotting on the tees. This will help keep better coverage on our small tees and the pigeons fed! Please see photo below as the pigeons love to steel some of our seed.
The greens have also been Verti cut and top dressed. See below a picture of the dressing on the 1st.
And then brushed in ( see photo 12th green)
The Willow trees and other trees have been getting lifted around the course to improve the look and air flow across the course.
The willow hair cuts have been carried out by Martin and Norbert but we could always use Llamas in the future (please see photo below, sorry, I saw this at a farm outing and nearly hired him and had to put on the blog...brilliant)
Lifting the trees behind the 7th green / 8th tee.
And the lower suckers have also been removed.
This task would normally be carried out by Mother Nature i.e. rabbits or deer eating the lower leaves and suckers but due to the location of the course with no deer or rabbit life this job falls to the greenstaff to keep the trees in a healthy state.
I m sure your all playing a bit more at the moment but I must say I m excited as the best weather is still to come... I hope:)